Discover how your Business is losing an average of $14,957 in Taxes every year with the missed Tax Planning Strategies


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Why Should You Schedule Your FREE Tax Assessment

Hi, my name is Anshul Shah, CPA and a Tax Planning Expert. You’re about to discover the secret of Pay the minimum amount of taxes Legally and Ethically.

In 2010, I began developing tax strategies for the one owner and married couple-owned business and over the years have spent over $100,000+ learning Tax Planning from Top Tax Planning Experts in the country. Today I have more than 750+ Businesses with sales as low as $500k to as much as $52M who have benefited from the tax-saving advice in my programs.

The one question I often get asked is “Why do I need your Tax Planning, Anshul? My accountant will know all these things, right?”

No, and here’s why: Most business owners hire a tax preparer. But there’s a MAJOR difference between a tax preparer and a TAX PLANNER. A tax preparer tells you how much you “OWE” versus a Tax Planner that can tell you how much you can “SAVE”.

In other words, a tax preparer will tell you how much taxes you need to pay and stay compliant while a Tax Planner is a strategist that finds all the legally available tax strategies to help you lower your tax bill.

Plus, your accountant is busy 50 to 60 hours a week (more during tax season) preparing client tax returns, doing audits, helping clients negotiate loans, and a zillion other things. The only tax education most practicing CPAs get is the occasional tax seminar they attend, maybe one or two during the year.

By comparison, we are mainly a tax planning firm. I spend 100 to 130 hours a month researching, studying, and writing about IRS regulations and changes in the tax code. So I have the luxury of keeping current with all the myriad opportunities there are for you to slash your tax payments and save money.

And you’ll find them all in the tax plans that we deliver to our clients!

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